Taken a step further……

...above and beyond the rewind and repairs performed by AvWind, we partner with our customers to provide technical assistance and troubleshooting skills often called upon for product improvement development or functional test and/or process reliability issues.

In addition to state of the art test equipment, we are qualified to provide many processes in support of the refurbishment activities such as ultrasonic cleaning, shaft journal and bearing liner plating, the application of protective surface coatings, welding, overspeed and oil flow testing and dynamic balancing.



Accessibility Standard Commitment Statement

Avwind International Inc. is committed to excellence in serving all customers, including people with disabilities. We ensure our employees are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our service. Further, our employees communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.
We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals or support persons. In the event of a service disruption, we notify customers of the particulars via notification signs, website notice, voicemail and/or email. We welcome customer feedback on their experiences with accessing our service and commit to responding to this feedback within 48 hours. At least once a year, we review our policies, practices and accessibility documentation for opportunities to improve customer accessibility.
A copy of Avwind's Accessible Customer Service Plan documentation is available on request to employees, visitors and customers.




Accessible Customer Service Policy
Avwind International Inc. understands and strongly supports the need to treat all our employees, customers and visitors with professionalism and respect, including individuals with disabilities. 
We welcome people with disabilities and their support workers or service animals to our front offices; Our production facility is closed to the public for safety and security reasons.
We communicate with people with disabilities in a manner that takes into account their individual needs. Further, we ensure that employees are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by people with disabilities when accessing our services. (A Personal Assistive Device is any technical aid, communication device or medical aid that is designed to assist a person with a disability. This includes items such as canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, hearing aids, word boards, electronic communication devices and phone amplifiers.)
If employees are unsure of how to assist someone, they will respectfully ask how they may best help an individual with a disability.
Company policies and practices have been assessed to verify the dignity and independence of people with disabilities are respected at Avwind. A copy of our Accessible Customer Service Policy, Accessibility Standard and Service Plan, Feedback Form, Response Process, and a copy of the AOD Act are available for review on request at Human Resources or Reception. Any feedback or issues related to Customer Accessibility should be directed to the Human Resources Consultant (via the Office  Administrator, if necessary), for response and resolution.





Design: Larkin & Company